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Indirect cost in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2018-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: direct costdirect controlindirectindirect objectindirectlyindirect taxindirectionindirect light
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1. There is a range of hidden or indirect costs.
2. In addition, there are indirect costs that must be considered.
3. These included indirect costs such as losses incurred by the state export credit guarantee agency Coface.
4. The costing of indirect costs or overheads is discussed in detail in Chapter 11.
5. There may of course also be hidden or indirect costs involved in training.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. B: Are both direct and indirect cost variable?
7. And indirect cost of the project management and supervision.
8. The third major indirect cost of soil erosion is the loss of navigability.
9. The indirect cost will be harder to measure, but could be more important.
10. As an illustration[], the paper forecasts the indirect cost due to the seismic disaster in Shanghai city.
11. Direct and indirect cost estimates of regulations and subsidies should be published before new regulations are put into law.
12. This could result in significant indirect cost benefits to society.
13. Cost includes direct cost and indirect cost. Risk represents capital loss risk, credit rating risk as well as examining risk.
14. I.. Estimate your expenditures for the first year of your business on a monthly basis: a. Total your indirect costs.
15. Give examples of expenditure that would be classified, in a manufacturing organization, as direct cost and indirect costs.
16. The annual tab for direct medical liability costs is about $ 7 billion, but indirect costs are much greater.
17. Considering the way the resources consumed during educational activities affect the process of education, the education cost can be defined as the direct and indirect cost.
18. Using the quantity of cost driver obtained, the mathematical operation is put forwarded to achieve the aim of assigning indirect cost.
19. ABC for Activity, deals in course, products, serve customer, etc. offer one accurate to have and distribute indirect cost and distribution method to assist resource.
20. ABC can use to solve the problem of distribution of the indirect cost, at the same time it has offered a new train of thought.
21. The cost of labor applied to a particular product thus constitutes a direct cost, while the factory manager's salary is an example of an indirect cost.
22. The methods of traditional cost management of an enterprise is limited in the control of production cost in production field, whose weakness lies its indirect cost collection and allotting methods.
23. The paper thus proposes three methods to measure the indirect cost: material equity, economic added value, and stepwise chain comparison.
24. In this paper, the economic burden of malaria are divided into direct cost, indirect cost and intangible cost.
25. This paper focuses on corporate financial distress, corporate financial distress indirect cost and its relationship with corporate performance.
26. Methods: The methods is to select a countable avenue and structure of scientific cost accounting, design a easier indirect cost division technology.
27. The education cost means both the direct and the indirect cost.
28. In order to measure income, costs may be categorized as direct cost and indirect cost.
More similar words: direct costdirect controlindirectindirect objectindirectlyindirect taxindirectionindirect lightindirect laborindirect quotationindirect materialsdirect currentundirectedforeign direct investmentdirect objectdirectdirectlydirecteddirectorredirectdirect taxdirectingdirectivedirectiondirectorymisdirectdirectrixdirectnessdirect maildirectorial
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